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DescriptionofSuolongSF-HEF2%foam Suolonghighexpansionfoamconcentratecontainssyntheticsurfactantsandadaptabletouseinvarioushighandmediumexpansionfoamgenerators.Thisfoamconcentrate(SF-2%HEF)exhibitsthegreatesteffectivenesswhentheyareusedtocoverthelargeareasofdriftingnon-water-solubleflammableliquids.(High&MediumFoamType) Majorfieldofapplicationcanbe:Undergroundtunnels/OilDepots/Aviationhangars/Garages/CoalMines. SuolongfoamisafreeofPFOS/PFOAandiseasilybiodegradable. Densitywith25°C(g/cm3)1.00~1.05pHin20℃6.0-9.5MixtureRatio3%FoamExpansionRatio≥600ApprovalMED/CCS/CCC/ISO/IMOPackage:Litresperpiecepackagingdimension(m)25litrescan0.27*0.27*0.42200litresdrum0.6*0.6*0.91000litrescontainer1.2*1*1.15
Category: High expansion foam concentrates
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Product description
Description of Suolong SF-HEF2% foam
Suolong high expansion foam concentrate contains synthetic surfactants and adaptable to use in various high and medium expansion foam generators. This foam concentrate (SF-2% HEF) exhibits the greatest effectiveness when they are used to cover the large areas of drifting non- water-soluble flammable liquids. (High & Medium Foam Type)
Major field of application can be: Underground tunnels/Oil Depots/Aviation hangars/Garages/Coal Mines.
Suolong foam is a free of PFOS/PFOA and is easily biodegradable.

Density with 25°C (g/cm3)


pH in 20℃


Mixture Ratio


Foam Expansion Ratio





Litres per piece



25 litres



200 litres



1000 litres




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Product Center

Description of Suolong Suolong-2%HEF foam   Suolong high expansion foam concentrate contains synthetic surfactants and adaptable to use in various high and medium expansion foam generators. This foam concentrate (Suolong-2%HEF) exhibits the greatest effectiveness when they are used to cover the large areas of drifting non- water-soluble flammable liquids. (High & Medium Foam Type) Suolong foam is a free of PFOS/PFOA and is easily biodegradable.   APPLICATION   Underground tunnels Oil Depots Aviation hangars Garages Coal Mines Others   TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION   Density with 25°C (g/cm3) 1.00~1.10 pH in 20℃ 6.0-9.5 Mixture Ratio 2% Foam Expansion Ratio ≥600 Approval MED/CCS/CCC/ISO/IMO   INTERNATIONAL APPROVALS IMO MSC/Circ. 670   PACKAGE   Litres per piece packaging dimension(m) 25 litres can 0.27*0.27*0.42 200 litres drum 0.6*0.6*0.9 1000 litres container 1.2*1*1.15
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DescriptionofSuolongSF-HEF2%foam Suolonghighexpansionfoamconcentratecontainssyntheticsurfactantsandadaptabletouseinvarioushighandmediumexpansionfoamgenerators.Thisfoamconcentrate(SF-2%HEF)exhibitsthegreatesteffectivenesswhentheyareusedtocoverthelargeareasofdriftingnon-water-solubleflammableliquids.(High&MediumFoamType) Majorfieldofapplicationcanbe:Undergroundtunnels/OilDepots/Aviationhangars/Garages/CoalMines. SuolongfoamisafreeofPFOS/PFOAandiseasilybiodegradable. Densitywith25°C(g/cm3)1.00~1.05pHin20℃6.0-9.5MixtureRatio3%FoamExpansionRatio≥600ApprovalMED/CCS/CCC/ISO/IMOPackage:Litresperpiecepackagingdimension(m)25litrescan0.27*0.27*0.42200litresdrum0.6*0.6*0.91000litrescontainer1.2*1*1.15
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Successful Completion of 5000m³ Tank Fire Test in PFOS Control and Reduction Subproject
In order to effectively promote the comprehensive replacement and elimination of the use of foam extinguishing agents containing persistent organic pollutants (PFOS) in the fire protection industry of China, and further strengthen the green, environmentally friendly and high-quality development of Chinese fire protection industry, the following project and fire test have been carried out recently.
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In order to effectively promote the comprehensive replacement and elimination of the use of foam extinguishing agents containing persistent organic pollutants (PFOS) in the fire protection industry of China, and further strengthen the green, environmentally friendly and high-quality development of Chinese fire protection industry, the following project and fire test have been carried out recently.
National fire extinguishing agent standard review meeting was held in Chengdu
On November 3, 2023, the Fire Extinguishing Agent Sub-Technical Committee of the National Fire Protection Standardization Technical Committee (TC113/SC3, hereinafter referred to as the Third Committee) held a national standards review meeting in Chengdu, Sichuan.
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On November 3, 2023, the Fire Extinguishing Agent Sub-Technical Committee of the National Fire Protection Standardization Technical Committee (TC113/SC3, hereinafter referred to as the Third Committee) held a national standards review meeting in Chengdu, Sichuan.
Annual promotion meeting for the "14th Five-Year" National key research and development Plan - high stability environmental foam extinguishing agent
From December 7 to 9, 2023, the annual promotion meeting of the "Research and Development and Demonstration Application of High Stability Environmentally Friendly Foam Fire Extinguishing Agents" project of the "14th Five-Year Plan" national key research and development plan led by the Tianjin Fire Protection Research Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Management was held in Changsha, Hunan . This meeting was held in a combination of online and offline methods. Project tracking experts Lu Qiang, senior engineer of the National Fire and Rescue Bureau, and President Lin Shuqing of the China Special Equipment Testing Research Institute attended the meeting online. Project consulting experts China People’s Armed Police Force Special Police College Director Xing Chunhong, Deputy Director Yu Wei of the National Fire and Rescue Bureau, Professor Kang Qingchun of Changzhou University, Director Bai Ye of the China Fire and Rescue Academy, Dean Zhou Xiaomeng of the Civil Aviation University of China, Researcher Fu Xuecheng of the Fire Fighting and Rescue Expert Group of the Ministry of Emergency Management, Professor Wang Lei of Nankai University, Ecological Environment Shang Yumei, a senior accountant from the Ministry of Soil Center, came to provide guidance. Lu Zhibao, deputy director of the Tianjin Fire Research Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Management, and Zhang Li, director of the Finance Department, attended the meeting. Nearly 50 research backbones from projects, subject undertaking units and participating units participated in this annual promotion meeting.


This meeting was hosted by Jiangsu Suolong Fire Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and chaired by researcher Zhuang Shuang, the project leader. The company's chairman Pan Deshun, deputy general manager Pan Yu, and technical director Wang Junqi attended the meeting.

Deputy Director Lu Zhibao delivered a welcome speech on behalf of Tianjin. He expressed his sincere gratitude to the project consulting experts for their care, guidance and strong support, and asked all project undertaking units and participating units to cherish the opportunity, go all out, complete the research tasks with heart, soul, and high standards, and strive to produce more visible and useful results. On, remember the advanced results.

The person in charge of each project reported in detail the completion of project indicators, quality control plan, existing problems and next work plan. After listening to the report, the participating experts fully affirmed the phased progress of the project and put forward valuable suggestions on research directions, technical issues, application demonstrations, etc.

Finally, Deputy Director Lu Zhibao made a concluding speech, sincerely thanking the experts for their valuable opinions and suggestions, and emphasized that each topic should carefully study and absorb expert opinions, speed up the research progress, make targeted improvements, and ensure that the project is in order Promote and carry out smoothly.

The smooth convening of this annual promotion meeting has further strengthened the close connections between various subjects and units, strengthened the sense of urgency and responsibility of the project team, and laid a foundation for solidly advancing the project research progress and completing the project assessment indicators with high quality.

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From December 7 to 9, 2023, the annual promotion meeting of the "Research and Development and Demonstration Application of High Stability Environmentally Friendly Foam Fire Extinguishing Agents" project of the "14th Five-Year Plan" national key research and development plan led by the Tianjin Fire Protection Research Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Management was held in Changsha, Hunan . This meeting was held in a combination of online and offline methods. Project tracking experts Lu Qiang, senior engineer of the National Fire and Rescue Bureau, and President Lin Shuqing of the China Special Equipment Testing Research Institute attended the meeting online. Project consulting experts China People’s Armed Police Force Special Police College Director Xing Chunhong, Deputy Director Yu Wei of the National Fire and Rescue Bureau, Professor Kang Qingchun of Changzhou University, Director Bai Ye of the China Fire and Rescue Academy, Dean Zhou Xiaomeng of the Civil Aviation University of China, Researcher Fu Xuecheng of the Fire Fighting and Rescue Expert Group of the Ministry of Emergency Management, Professor Wang Lei of Nankai University, Ecological Environment Shang Yumei, a senior accountant from the Ministry of Soil Center, came to provide guidance. Lu Zhibao, deputy director of the Tianjin Fire Research Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Management, and Zhang Li, director of the Finance Department, attended the meeting. Nearly 50 research backbones from projects, subject undertaking units and participating units participated in this annual promotion meeting.


This meeting was hosted by Jiangsu Suolong Fire Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and chaired by researcher Zhuang Shuang, the project leader. The company's chairman Pan Deshun, deputy general manager Pan Yu, and technical director Wang Junqi attended the meeting.

Deputy Director Lu Zhibao delivered a welcome speech on behalf of Tianjin. He expressed his sincere gratitude to the project consulting experts for their care, guidance and strong support, and asked all project undertaking units and participating units to cherish the opportunity, go all out, complete the research tasks with heart, soul, and high standards, and strive to produce more visible and useful results. On, remember the advanced results.

The person in charge of each project reported in detail the completion of project indicators, quality control plan, existing problems and next work plan. After listening to the report, the participating experts fully affirmed the phased progress of the project and put forward valuable suggestions on research directions, technical issues, application demonstrations, etc.

Finally, Deputy Director Lu Zhibao made a concluding speech, sincerely thanking the experts for their valuable opinions and suggestions, and emphasized that each topic should carefully study and absorb expert opinions, speed up the research progress, make targeted improvements, and ensure that the project is in order Promote and carry out smoothly.

The smooth convening of this annual promotion meeting has further strengthened the close connections between various subjects and units, strengthened the sense of urgency and responsibility of the project team, and laid a foundation for solidly advancing the project research progress and completing the project assessment indicators with high quality.

Intersec 2020 | Suolong booth: 3-D21 | Date: 1/19/2020 - 1/21/2020
Suolong attend Intersec 2020 to show you our foam concentrate, booth no. is 3-D21. Welcome!
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Suolong attend Intersec 2020 to show you our foam concentrate, booth no. is 3-D21. Welcome!
Marintec China | Dec 3-6, 2019 | Suolong Booth: W3E04
MARINTEC CHINA 2019. The largest maritime event in Asia Pacific.
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MARINTEC CHINA 2019. The largest maritime event in Asia Pacific.


Suolong Fire, is a professional manufacturer of fire fighting foam concentrate in China, we provide full range of protein foam concentrate and synthetic foam concentrate.
Suolong’s products are certified by UL, EN, ICAO, MED, RS, CCS, CCC, etc. We focus on providing qualified foam concentrate to the world.


Add:Technological Industrial Park, Xinghua Economic Development Zone, Xinghua City, Jiangsu Province, China.

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